Saturday, April 27, 2013

4/27/13 : There is a God Above That's Full of Love

Oh my goodness, what an incredible. hard, inspiring, learning, happy, laughing, smiling, crying, week.
this week has been a roller coaster but in such a good way. I have about 20 minutes to write right now so I'll try to answer all questions and be brief. Just know I'm learning a lot spiritually so I'm going to focus on actual events rather then what I have personally  learned through the spirit, if i did I would take all my time. But it was so fun to hear about Jan's graduation. I'm so so proud of her and all she's accomplished. I can't believe you were so close.. Weird. The MTC is like there is no world outside it. There is only one spot where you can see the mountain from standing inside. It's funny. sometimes I look at those beautiful mountains and think. what? There's a world outside the MTC.? 

Oh so last Sunday we went to the temple and walked around and took pictures. It was so neat to see all the missionaries just bombarding the outside of the temple. It was fun to see Sister Richins and take pictures with her. We then went and watched the character of Christ fireside by Elder Bednar! It was unreal. It taught me so much about how when you struggle you are suppose to turn outward, because that's what the Savior did. It will forever change my mission.

We had gym time which is always the best. It's so crazy to think we leave on Monday. I've learned so much but at the same time I'm just clinging on like a monkey to a banana. I don't want to leave but the jungle gym of New Jersey is going to be where it's at so I'm excited. So many sisters are being re-asigned to New Jersey. It's so insane! Because of the lack of visa's. Ah I'm running out of time gosh dang it!  But this week we got to teach an investigator. Christ called his apostles, their names changed. And now as a missionary I have taken a new name as well. Sister Clark. and also Jesus Christ. I love my name tag and how it is properly placed over my heart, because that is where it belongs. I love my Savior. 

So we were teaching Michelle, our investigator  about Christ and I was so excited to get to study Christ and his purpose and how much he means to me. During the lesson we just started talking to her about the savior and the atonement and repentance. The spirit was so strong and you could just see the change in her eyes. She wanted to believe so bad cause she was seeing how essential he was and she was feeling the holy ghost. Anyways we ended with a prayer and She ask me to say it and It was not a prayer of my own. It was just what the Lord wanted her to hear. At the end we were all crying cause we didn't want to go and she didn't want us to go. But we had to . but we were so blessed to teach her. I just love her so much. My mind goes to her often.  Also sister Waddoups and I (best companion ever) made up a saying "If you start with a prayer then the spirit will be there" and we have lived off of that. It's so essential to the conversion process. and especially for us as missionaries. We can not teach an effective lesson if the spirit is not there. It just doesn't happen. So anyways, oh the new missionaries came in and they are going to Boise Idaho and Detroit. They bless my life everyday. I'm suppose to be the example to them but they are examples to me. We have a sister who has some sort of mental handicap and her companion just touches my heart. She's a true example of the Savior. Anyways I love being a S.T.L.  I love getting to know these sisters and just loving them. I'm so grateful for all the letter and support. THANK YOU! It means so much. Oh some fun facts as I close cause I'm running out of time. I wish I had more time to write. but did you know the next super bowl will be in new Jersey??? (fun fact) and that Sister Greenall in my district, her father was the voice for Salem the cat in Sabrina the teenage which (I thought of Emily when I heard this and I'm not really sure why) but I'm so glad to be here. 

Rose: would definitely be Teaching Michelle, and the new missionaries, they are so great. Thorn: just kinda missing home this week and the family but It motivates me more to work harder to bring other families together for eternity. Bud: Jersey here I come:) SO excited but sad I have to leave the MTC. Oh so I'll end with a fun story of what happened. so I just went to pick up my package and when I arrived the worker hands me 3 boxes of krispy cremes (mom i love you) and so I'm just in shock and as we are leaving all the elders are just staring at me and doing double takes cause I have so many dognuts and as we run back to the apartment I throw the box over my head and start running and singing the theme or Rocky... yes the MTC is teaching me a lot about humility. hahaha but it just expressed how happy I was in the moment. that's how I feel when I get letters too. Poor sister Waddoups has to deal with me and my crazy excitement and happiness. 

But I know the savior lives and that he loves his children so much. I know the power of sincere prayer. and the comfort and peace it can give I'm so blessed to have the wonderful family I do. I count my blessings and thank Heavenly Father every day for them. I know I'm not perfect and that through the Savior I can be. And that the people of jersey are being prepared by the lord to receive his message. my job is to be a funnel of the spirit. and a representative of Christ. Wow crazy I'm leaving so soon. I'm just barely getting my feet wet but I love you all
Love Sister Clark

4/20/13: Jersey Girls!!

 Wow! this is weird being the missionary that is actually writing the letter but I love it. Can I just say that I'm SO SO SO SO HAPPY! The spirit is so strong here and just.. uh I would like to argue that this is the happiest place on earth! you can feel the power of all the prayers and you just know that the Lord truly loves his missionaries. So I'll tell you what has happened since I left your side. so the minute i walked into the building it was just craziness but so fun. they herded us like cattle to get our name tags and all our paper work. It was a blessing to get our mind off of leaving the family and how much we miss them. by the way I miss you all thank you for all the letters and support they strengthen me every day! OK anyways so then on my tour guess who I saw? no other then Sister RICHINS! it was just what I needed I was just so happy. needless to say our reunion was grand but quick. she's doing well and It was good to see her.

We then met our district. we have 6 sisters. Sister Greenall, Sister Dotson, Sister Maclay, Sister Dahl!!! (temple friend) and my companion Sister Waddoups!!! She's is so awesome! I love her a lot. she comes from a totally different background then me but as we teach and prepare we balance each other out. she's great she's from More Idaho and her graduating class was 38 (dad I thought about you) she's awesome she laughs at my jokes and hasn't slipped any orange juice into my water bottle yet so we get along great! haha oh man These sisters are heaven sent! the minute we met each other we were all instantly just best friends I swear it's not like a companion ship it's like a 6 girl companionship! Jersey Sisters, were like a click haha but in a good way. we just laugh so much and love the gospel. they are all so strong and I look up to them. when I met them and talked to them I tend to just talk so much cause I'm so excited to be here and just so happy. at the end of the day my cheeks kill from smiling so much! The spirit is so strong and undeniable here. oh I forgot about the elders hahah. so we have elder Johnson elder wells and elder Cornish. only 3 elders and 6 sisters :) and our entering day we made history of more sister missionaries entering the mtc then Elders!!! (by like 6) but still it was so cool the sisters are strong and just my inspiration.

 So our first experience here was we had to go and teach people but in a large group. can I just say it was terrifying but at the spirit was so strong and it was crazy how in only the hour we met them we just loved them. we talk about the people from the first day a lot in our district. We just love them and feel the saviors love for them. Just so much love going on here. haha oh man I'm so happy to be writing and just loving life! But in this experience I learned about Courage, and how it isn't the absence of fear, but the faith and strength to move forward and open your moth for something you believe in. I wish I could tell you everything I've learned and all the experiences I've had but I don't have that much time. I wish I had more. But needless to say I've learned a lot about humility and the true happiness the gospel brings. I've learned a lot about prayer and about the power of it. I say so many prayers it's like my day is a constant prayer I love it.! I learned to love it when people say no to you. because if they say no they are really thinking about it. OK I'll focus more on the things I do.

So there is 6 of us sisters in a room and it's crowded. I'm on the top bunk and it's like my secret loft I love it. I have a picture book by my bed and the Breya and mitt picture hanging up I look at them everyday and pray for you guys. I"m so so so so so happy!! did I mention I love the MTC yet? haha 

OK what else. Oh it's crazy because of all the missionaries, so most of the time you are told to be somewhere to do something but we don't have instruction so we have to be our own leaders and crank down. It's good. So one of the first nights we went around telling why we decided to come on a mission, and the spirit was just like a brick wall. We all knew we needed to be there and everyone is here for the right reasons. I know I'm needed in New Jersey for these people they need this gospel and the savior in there lives. I'm excited to go out, but I need more time here to learn better to teach them. Oh I also saw Sister Oldham! she's happy to we hugged and talked at dinner on the first day. The food is good. I agree with Jason though, it messes you up a little bit. But I avoid orange juice and ranch at all cost, so no serious fatalities yet. There is a tree here that smells like orange cream-sickles  and it makes me happy. So while I've been here besides learning a lot I've been given a lot of responsibilities. They were kinda overwhelming yesterday but in a good way it shows me that I'm taking them seriously but I know the Lord has all the confidence in the world in me. and I have all the confidence in the world of him. So I was made senior companion (by the alphabetical order of my last name) I was also made a S.T.L. which is Sister Training Leader. It's basically the female zone leader. it's crazy I was not expecting it. my Jersey girls were making fun of my face when they announced it. but basically what I do. (I start on Sunday) when the new missionaries come in on Wednesday Sister waddups and I and 2 elders make sure they are comfortable and we teach them about the mtc. and take them on tours and teach them rules and just were like there mini EFY councilors. I'm so so so so so excited to meet the missionaries. OK I'm running out of time but I was also made the travel leader which means I am in charge of all the missionaries when we leave on the the 29th! ya I have 9 days left! crazy! I'm in charge of 21 missionaries it will be fun.

I know the Savior lives and loves his children

Thank you family for all your love and support!

mom , em, and breya. Your letters were so amazing and made me so happy! write write write! oh and our p-day is on Saturday.
oh and I saw the guy from the district.
Rose-people and being here, the spirit, and my growing experiences
Thorn-NO THORNS! besides tiredness, but it's good
Bud- Learning and growing more. getting to know these sisters cause I love them. We seriously are just best friends. It's a connection that is hard to describe. well until next time I love you all!

Sister Clark

4/17/13: MTC Drop Off

 We took the beautiful Sister Clark to the MTC on Wednesday, April 17th, 2013.  
We couldn't leave without having some delicious breakfast first, though. 

Eating at Market Street Grill in SLC

Looking as stylish as ever, Sister Clark entered the MTC.    She will be a phenomenal missionary!! We are sooo proud of her.