Sunday, October 27, 2013

9.9.13: Mucus...

Ok the kids are just to cute! the reunion sounds like so much fun, and JAN AND JASON!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU BOTH! It sounds like life is good out west. It brings my heart so much comfort and joy to know all is well and everyones happy.:) Remember that one time after this transfer I will have spent 1/3 of my mission in toms river? crazy huh? That went by fast!! but that's at the end of next transfer so i'm still only at 4 months old (till the 17th).

Well from the title you may guess what my week consisted of.. haha my companion and I have been sick all week. It has been fun to get to know each other on a very vulnerable level but it's been hard. I just want to work hard and to introduce her to all the people and teach. We are doing our best. It wasn't the most productive week, between transfers and meetings we only had 3 real days of missionary work this week. but they were great! I'm going to keep this letter short so I can go home and rest but know that with every fiber of my being I love you all. I know the church is true and Heavenly Father loves us.

So this week was good.  It's so funny my companion has only served in Jersey city and Patterson area. All up north very city like areas. She is going though some serious culture shock down here. It makes me laugh. It makes me think i'm in for a real treat when I leave Toms river. My companion is sister Morrison. She is wonderful. She is strong and she's been out for 14 months. She is from California and she's a shortie. We have fun even when were sick. She is so perfect for some of our investigators, they needed her. It amazes me how Heavenly father knows all of his children so perfectly and plans for them so perfectly. My mind can't comprehend it but I know it works. I've seen it. We met some people who are so prepared to hear the gospel. As a companionship our goal is to strengthen the ward. there are a lot of familes that need our help and I'm looking forward to be able to work hard and give it my all. It's been a strange week, being sick on a mission is not fun. it makes you realize how greatful you are for your health.

Most spiritual experience of this week was probably yesterday. We went to go see a recent convert and as we finished praying we got a text from her mom saying she wasn't home. We sat for a second contemplating what to do. We then decided to go try to see a less active member who lived close by, as we were walkilng we ran into our recent convert and her friend. We asked if we could share a message and invited her friend Marco to listen. Talk about prepared! He's only 15 yet he reads the bible everyday and takes care of his family. He is a very special spirit and he was so touched and grateful for the Book of Mormon we gave him. He asked if he could come to church and our recent convert (Ashley) testified of the truth of the church and the Book of Mormon. It was so neat! As we left we asked him what he was going to do for the rest of the day. He told us he was going to go tell his mom and his family about the church. He is so cool. He was our biggest blessing this week.

Oh also Raegan recieved the Holy Ghost this week. Her smile consumed her face. She was so happy. I'm so happy for her. We started to teach her boys this week and one of them just said "Can I get baptized already?" they are all so cute. I LOVE THAT FAMILY!!! Speaking of love and families we get to go see the Higgins tonight! always a highligh of my week!:) 

Yesterday at church the hermana's (spanish sisters) had a baptism. as they were filling up the font they forgot about it or something so my companion and I spent a good hour with buckets and pitchers from the kitchen trying to empty the font enough so it wouldn't overflow. it was pure craziness but the spanish program fed us after so it was a nice reward.

This week I've been so greatful for the help of my Heavenly Father and his help, strength and support. It's hard to lead your area, for a while you are the only one who knows these people, and have an idea of their needs and remember who we need to see when, but it's been such a blessings to know my Heavenly Father knows them better then I ever could. As I trust in him He will help and guide me and my companion. He is so wonderful.

I'm doing my best to be obedient and to work my hardest. This week will be a lot better then last week I just know it. Hold me accountable people back home. There is a work to be done! Well family and friends, what can I say more? The church is true. There is truly nothing that brings more happiness then the gospel of Jesus Christ. and by sharing it with others. I know he lives. He is real. I love testifying of him everyday. I know heavenly father doesn't give us anything we can't handle. He did not, and will not set us up to fail. He Gives us chances to prove ourselfes and to grow. how grateful I am for those experiences.

This is so fun. I love being a missionary:)
Love you all!!!
Love, Sister Clark
Clear Eyes, full heart, can't lose.

The Hand off!

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