Monday, May 5, 2014

5.5.14 "Mirror Moments"

Wow, thank you all for your wonderful letters. IT sounds like you are all doing so well, which makes me one happy sister Clark:) This week was crazy busy with meetings and paper work and etc., but it was fun. Where to even begin. I guess I'll start with a great experience I had last night.

 I had a really amazing moment last night, as I was getting ready for bed I was looking at some of my old pictures from back home of the person I left behind. As I looked up in the mirror I realized how much I've changed, and how grateful I am for that change. I dropped to my knees and thanked my Father in Heaven for allowing me to serve a mission, for the blessings, the people who have changed my life forever, and the Joy and love that I feel every day. Before I came out on my mission I thought I knew the gospel, I thought I had a pretty strong testimony. I am so eternally indebted to my father in Heaven that he loves me enough that he sees this potential in me and who I’m becoming. It's far greater then anything I could have ever imagined. Or far greater then any joy that I've ever felt. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY. I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face and just so overwhelmed by the spirit. So much happiness! As I was reading in Alma 36, it was like Alma the younger was speaking to me directly, specifically talking about how he had this experience of truly coming unto Christ. I'm starting to understand what that means now. In verse 24, it talks about how he labors with everything he has to help others feel that joy, and in verses 25 it was as if Alma was pointing to me directly and telling me, hey hey you, this applies to you. Anyways enough of my ranting. It's just a great day.

I'm very excited for this new week, a week of somewhat normal, no exchanges and not to many meetings, just my companion and I. Were going to go save some souls!
Ok I don't have too much time to write to many details but I'll save the good stuff for
Sunday (craziness!)

 So this Tuesday we had zone conference, President and the assistants came and taught about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and what it has truly done for us. I'm so grateful for the Atonement, the more I understand about it the more I have a desire to share the gospel.

So after zone conference, some good lunch, and chasing after some bouncy balls (our lunch game) Wednesday we had district meeting. So for one of our Role plays it involved playing basketball... and no my competitiveness with sports has not changed on my mission, especially against elders. Anyways needless to say sister shearer and I were the only sisters and we beat them all pretty bad:) it was fun. I love sports. I think I might want to help coach some volleyball when I get home:) maybe help coach salvo. 

Thursday was so neat. We went to Ellis Island! But this time to do family history work. I can testify that the spirit of Elijah is real! Family history work is incredible. That is also something I'm dying to get my hands on when I get back home. It working on family History. I met this sweet old man from Ireland who just lit up as we found his family’s names and signatures, what they did for a living etc. He just told me everything about his sweet family in his Irish accent, we met people from all over the world!

Friday we had Mission Leader council where we talked about working with members and also about increasing our faith. Something that I learned is that every member of the church is on a mission. We are all at different phases of our missions but it's important that we are all striving to do something to reach the next level, for example, you may not be at the point on your mission of giving a referral, maybe you first need to get to know your neighbors first, or to give someone a pass along card, and if that is to scary then to leave a pass-along card somewhere. Start where you are at and move up:) it was a great meeting and also again, good food:) 

Saturday I was on an exchange with a sister, we ended up both getting really sick and had to rest, but it was interesting how that was exactly what the lord needed us to do at that time.

Sunday, oh Sunday. It was amazing to have almost all 6 of our recent converts at church during fast and testimony meeting, as I was bending down to get a sticker for a child sitting next to me I heard Denise Bustamante’s voice at the pulpit, I looked up as she had tears running down her face as she bore the sweetest testimony how she came to know that God lives and loves her, she expressed the gratitude for being 'found' by him. I couldn't help but let the tears roll down my face and smile from ear to ear.

I cannot describe the feeling of Joy of helping invite souls unto Christ, I simply cannot, but it is truly amazing. Anyways that was basically my week. I’ll save some ammo for Sunday but I’m very excited to talk to you all:) love you!!!


Sister Clark

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