Monday, August 4, 2014

8.4.14 When We're Helping We're Happy!

Dear Family! From reading all the e-mails I can just picture a fun Sunday evening in the Clark household with all the family and kids together. I love our family. :)

So this week we went by so fast. I literally can't even remember what happened ha-ha but it was good as always. This week I also felt like I was living in a third world country... unfortunately our bathroom was not working for most of the week so we had to get-by by going to McDonald a lot this week, using members restrooms etc.

Monday we had dinner at a member’s house that is preparing to go to the temple. Her name is Abby and she's so cool we love her! We had pizza with her and her son and we played our plan of salvation board game that we made. We had a lot of fun. Even though the board game has it's flaws.. still trying to work on the kinks the principles that we try to teach while playing are true. 

Allot of this week was service for member. We did lots of painting this week, which was a lot of fun. We listened to some conference talks and just were able to bond with these members on a different level. I'm grateful for the time we had with them. We had lots of adventures like;  Inventing scaffolding to get up to high spots. (Two ladders on stairs with a wooden board in between.) And naturally because I’m the 'tall missionary' I got to experience all the experiments. It was adventurous for sure.

 We also had lots of dinners with new members in our ward. There is one family named the Koch (pronounced co) they have 2 little boys and a little girl. The little boy was so cute when he saw us on Monday after he folded his arms to be reverent and looked up at said ‘it’s nice to see you again’ yes and us he's 6 so cute.

Friday we went to serve on Ellis Island. I love serving there! The spirit is so strong. We met some incredible people. It’s so hard not to be able to tell them about the gospel but they do for sure feel the spirit. I love helping others to find there ancestors it gives me a deeper desire to be more involved in family history when I get home.

On our way home we accidently took a wrong turn and ended up at the airport..... I hyperventilated a little. But we quickly rerouted and drove to the Pilipino bread house instead. I love Pilipino people. They are great!

Saturday was neat
So our day started of by dropping by for an appointment with a potential we we knocked on her door it looked dark and no cars.. Sadly didn't look too promising after waiting for a while we started to head back to our car to see her come to the door and stop us. So we went inside and started to talk to her. Her name is Yvonne she is from Cameroon (west Africa) she is the 9th of 11 kids and the only member of her family here in America. She talked about how she had a desire to get back on the path. I was able to give Yvonne the book of Mormon you sent me with our family’s testimony.. More to come next week!

By Sunday we were very tired but we ended up breaking our fast with an Italian/ Koran meal. We had dinner with two families who both brought dinner. It was delicious.

Well.. sorry this week wasn't too eventful but the work is hastening! And we are excited to be apart of it! Unfortunately Sister Allen is being transferred tomorrow. Sadness. I will miss her a lot. I've learned so much from her and she has become one of my dearest friends on the mission. But I'm always up for a new adventure! Keep being awesome love you all! 


Sister Clark

Expires the month I come home!!!!

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